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Professor Wang Guohong will give an introduction course to students in the School of Business and the School of Intellectual Property

publish date: May 28, 2022   clicks:

On May 24th, Professor Wang Guohong from the School of Economics and Management, Doctoral Supervisor, and Director of the Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Dalian University of Technology gave an introduction class to undergraduate students majoring in economics in 2021, with the theme of "Encountering Big Changes in Entrepreneurial Thinking." The introduction class was hosted by Professor Hong Yong, Vice Dean of the School of Business and the School of Intellectual Property Rights, and Associate Professor Shi Dan, Director of the Department of Economics and Business.

Professor Wang Guohong explained the core content of entrepreneurial thinking and how to cultivate it through short videos and practical cases, and compared entrepreneurial thinking with management thinking from four perspectives: goals, actions, resources, and processes. Subsequently, a comprehensive analysis was conducted on the challenges of innovation and entrepreneurship in the context of the Great Change, from the emergence of new global problems under the Great Change to the opportunities and challenges faced by China under the Great Change. Taking companies such as Wenheyou as an example, this article comprehensively interprets the changes and unchangeability of entrepreneurial thinking. Finally, it was explained how to respond to unprecedented changes with entrepreneurial thinking. During the communication and interaction session, Professor Wang Guohong provided detailed answers to the questions of his classmates and valuable suggestions for everyone's planning in innovation and entrepreneurship.

In this introduction class, Professor Wang Guohong focused on the theme of "encountering major changes in entrepreneurial thinking" and provided an expanded and in-depth explanation of entrepreneurial thinking. The content was rich and thought-provoking. I believe that this introduction course can help students have a deeper and more systematic understanding of entrepreneurial thinking, and also inspire subsequent innovation and entrepreneurship learning and practice, helping to cultivate entrepreneurial thinking and future career development.


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