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WuJinfeng, a 2015 undergraduate student majoring in Economics at the School of Business

publish date: April 17, 2024   clicks:

Wu Jinfeng, a 2015 undergraduate student majoring in Economics at the School of Business, holds a Master's degree in Law from the School of Law at Renmin University of China. He currently works in the Internal Control and Compliance Department of a large state-owned commercial bank. During his undergraduate studies, he was awarded honors such as Outstanding Graduate from Liaoning Province, Three Good Students from Dalian City, and Top Ten Students on Campus. Actively participated in various essay competitions both on and off campus, his book was rated as excellent essay by the School Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China and the Secretariat of the All China Federation of Students. Received the title of Outstanding Graduate from Renmin University of China during his master's degree. After graduation, he was invited to return to school to participate in the second season report sharing activity of "Struggler", hoping to give back to alma mater with his own experience and provide assistance for the growth path of students on campus.


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